This installation offered a redisovery of familiar territory via the unfamiliar. Caught between shifting layers of desaturation and shadow, color and luminosity became touchstones that anchored the senses. The act of eating was refocused to create revelation within the ordinary.



Aftertaste is an annual symposium critically exploring interior design through a series of lectures and round table discussions with experts of the design field. The opening reception of this two day event is hosted by the first year interior design students through the installation of a temporary environment.

Inspired by Lois Weinthal and Graeme Brooker‘s Handbook of Interior Design + Architecture–discussed and launched at the symposium–the constructed environment demonstrates how theory and practice could be tied into one experience.


The installation focused on the ability of color and luminosity to alter  atmospheres. By employing low-pressure-sodium luminaires, the color of the environment was neutralized save for focused light, rendering moments of color that accentuated the food.


The installation included circulation, furniture, lighting, graphic design, and food design.